
Hey there peeps!
It is I, EGP.
*Eric looks over EGP's shoulder*

Well, believe it or not, I sometimes have things to say that aren't Eric related, and this shall be the forum.

FYI: There is a Q&A at the bottom

Eric's Bonded,

Placebo/Brian Molko

Thursday 31 December 2009

Sinclair is finally here!!!!!

Helloooooo Eric :)

Hey Peeps! Meet my Nook.
He's the e-reader from Barnes & Noble
and he IS Fabulous!

I've named him, "Sinclair."

Sorry about the flash. I will post more later. . .

Saturday 5 December 2009

My Portrait

So it's a lovely day today, after yesterday's rather nippy weather.

The hubbs took the kiddo out today, so I could sleep in.
Isn't he wonderful? :)

Here's my portrait taken by the kiddo earlier today:

She even got my auburn hair before the salon messed it up!

Thursday 3 December 2009

The BN Nook: The Protective Cover

Yes. it's here.
Fresh out of the box (and previously unavailable) is the black, leather jacket for my dear Sinclair.
Sinclair you see is what i've named my Nook (even though he hasn't arrived yet).

He's just simply Sinclair. :)
Now, Sinclair has a leather jacket! *squeee*


Here is the Nook.

AHTN (All Hail The Northman)

So AHTN is still running. Nothing's changed.
Just wanted to address that 'anonymous' inquiry.
You know who you are. *sigh*

All is well. Don't fret peeps.

On non-AHTN news:
It's been a busy day here in Chez EGP.
Today's reading adventure has been one of the Little Miss books by Roger Hargreaves.

These are wonderful books. We've had a collection going since the kiddo was in the womb.
In fact some of the books are the actual UK ones from the 70s, from hubby's childhood library in Oz. Cool, huh? :)

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Yumminess in Dec 09 DETAILS magazine

(click for hi-def pics)
I don't know who this guy is.

But he is a hottie!
*lix lips*

Tuesday 1 December 2009


Are you the same EGP from
All Hail the Northman site?
Yep. That's me. EGP.
That is my Eric-centric blog; all things Northman, all the time.
However, this here is my personal haven.

Are you still bonded with the Vampire?
Yes, Eric Northman and I remain bonded.

But aren't you already married to another?
Umm. Yup.
Isn't your husband mortal?
Yep. Mr EGP is rather human.
Doesn't he mind that you are bonded to a vampire?
Well, yes and no. You try fighting Eric!

How can you do both - be bonded to a vampire and be married to a mortal?
It's a dance really.
On one hand, my mortal husband knows he cannot break the sacred bond between my vampire and I --
*E looks smug*

On the other hand, Eric knows about the "the human," but still claims me "as his" without reserve.
Eric is Eric. He gets what he wants
(and I'm only too happy to comply).

Don't you have a child by the human? How does that fit into the equation?
Well, yes I do have a tiny human teacup. She loves Eric very much. He in turn, can appreciate the qualities of a miniature me and actually is pretty terrific with her! *hubby grumbles*

Will you share any of your stories with Eric as your bonded?
Yes. I will oblige at some point. Eric is a bit resistant; however, I shall make him heel eventually. *Eric growls* Someday?
*Eric emits a 'pffft' sound*

*talks to Eric* *has to recant*
I shall heel to him. *sighs* Eventually.